Joy Ng

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Black Lives Matter!

I will not be asking my fellow Asians and Asian Americans to “imagine” the violence, the endless grief, the rage. All of it has been right in front of us. Either you agree that Black lives matter, or you don’t. If you don’t agree that Black lives matter, it’s time to confront those feelings. When you confront those feelings, please ask yourself if you are indeed comfortable with dehumanization, disenfranchisement, police brutality, and murder. For many of us Asian Americans, there is a process to be had in un-conditioning our own self-hate, and there is room in that process to address anti-blackness. Rest in power George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many countless more. 

On #BlackoutTuesday, we witnessed a massive strategical hiccup in online activism. As the day progressed, organizers pointed out that the mass postings of blank black squares hashtagged under #BlackLivesMatter completely drowned and disrupted the digital feed and platform, which is meant to provide critical information and news. Follow the lead of Black organizers. If something isn’t working, especially if it is detrimental to the cause we are rooting for, LISTEN. RESPOND. PIVOT. It’s ok to delete your square, especially if you hashtagged [blacklivesmatter]. Instead of the blank square, many took the opportunity to boost and amplify Black creators, organizers, films, writers, thinkers:

In hindsight, while #blackouttuesday was a great ‘show’ of solidarity, its impact was largely disruptive to Black Lives Matter’s years of work to build the digital platform. For those of us joining the movement who may have contributed to this disruption, we are not all organizers, and we are not above critique. Don’t let this hinder participation; let it inform us to do better, and be more critical, so we can make the impact that is needed, not intended.

I’m always always always learning how to be a better ally, and will always be here to hold space and listen if anyone needs a shoulder.

“Asians for Black Lives” graphic by @kalamendoza (Instagram)